Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Divide by E.J. Mellow - Interview & Giveaway

Welcome to E.J. Mellow, author of The Divide! Today we have an interview with E.J. and Dev- the leading man from The Divide.

KIMBER LEIGH: Thanks so much for joining me today EJ and Dev! I’m so excited to have the author and her leading dreamboat character sitting down with me today.

(EJ eyes Dev from the side as he smirks in his chair)

EJ: You probably could have left out dreamboat.

DEV: But it was the best part of that sentence.

EJ: I know better than to engage further in this. Sorry to interrupt, Kimber. You can keep going.

(Kimber smiles)

KIMBER: No problem at all. I was wondering if you could each share three interesting things about each other.

EJ: Oh boy. Are they meant to be complimentary?

DEV: Ha—Ha. You’re a comedian today, EJ, I’ll go first, since I know you’ll need the extra time to sift through all my amazing facts.

(Dev pats EJ on the knee)

DEV: Okay, number one, she’s a horrible speller—

EJ: Hey!

DEV: Number two, she likes it super warm in her office when she’s writing.

EJ: I like to be cozy.

DEV: Cozy—In all of Terra, it’s a sauna in there! I mean, I can feel it through the pages.

EJ: Well, maybe that’s why I can write you so steamy.

(Dev snorts out a laugh)

DEV: We all know I don’t need help in the steam department.

EJ: Oh Lord.

DEV: And number three would have to be that the song, If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher, gets stuck in her head way more than what’s probably healthy. She sings it at least twice a day and has annoyingly passed the habit to me. The only good thing is that it now drives Aveline crazy.  

(EJ starts humming, If I Could Turn Back Time)

DEV: Don’t start!

(Kimber laughs)

KIMBER: Well, those are definitely facts you learn after hanging out with someone as much as you two do. EJ, what are three interesting things about Dev?

EJ: The first is that he never listens to my story outline. Sometimes I don’t even know why I bother with them when he’s involved.

DEV: Because you secretly love when I walk outside the lines.

(EJ glances at him sideways)

EJ: The second is probably that he has a sweet tooth. I always pictured him more of a salty man over a savory, but he loves his candy.

DEV: Holding back so many comments to that one. 

(EJ rolls her eyes)

EJ: And the third is that he can surprisingly whistle really well. But like…really well. I made him listen to Bohemian Rhapsody once and he whistled the whole thing back perfectly.

DEV: It’s all about lip placement

(He winks at Kimber).

EJ: I can’t bring you anywhere.  

KIMBER: Well, I love it all. Those facts were so fun to hear. Thank you E.J. and Dev for doing this.

EJ: Thank you so much for having us!

DEV: Are those pastries over there?

(EJ smacks Dev’s shoulder)

DEV: Ow, what was—? Oh, yes thank you.

(Kimber holds back a laugh)

KIMBER: You’re welcome. And for all those who stopped by for the interview, thanks for joining us! 

The Divide
Dreamland #2

E.J. Mellow

New Adult Fantasy
October 15, 2015

Amazon | B&N | Goodreads

Molly finally uncovers the truth about the strange dreams that plagued her sanity for weeks. Now destined to accept a clandestine role, Molly must find the strength and courage buried deep to push forward and succeed.
With the help of Dev, the roguish blue-eyed man of her dreams—whose dark past resurfaces to haunt him—Molly prepares to test the limits of her newly awakened powers and set right a world on the edge of being consumed by nightmares.

But when an unknown shadow stalks her every step and a shocking revelation about her ancestry comes to light, Molly may find herself forced to make a decision that could leave her alone in the dark and standing on the wrong side of a divide.

Don’t miss The Divide—the heart-thumping second installment in The Dreamland Series.

About the Author

I'm the author behind the NA Contemporary Fantasy trilogy The Dreamland Series. When I'm not busy moonlighting in the realm of make-believe, I can be found doodling, buried in a book (usually this one), or playing video games.

You can find me on: 

Tour-Wide Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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