I'm editing a manuscript right now that really puts life in perspective. We never know from breath to breath if it will be our last. When we go to sleep at night, will we wake up in the morning? Of course that brings back past trauma of that awful childhood prayer my mother had me recite-- "...If I should die before I wake..." Seriously? What five-year-old should be reciting that. But I digress...
For a while YOLO was my favorite acronym because I do like to live in the moment, to draw joy from even the simple things in life. Until a friend of mine pointed out that YOLO should instill the desire to take things slow and carefully, lest you lose this one life. There's always a buzz-kill somewhere lurking out there. I tried to explain my version of YOLO, that life is too short for regrets and grudges, that we should try to LIVE every day of our lives yet still plan for the future. Yeah, she didn't get it. So YOLO kinda died that day.
Perhaps carpe diem is a better motto. Seize the day. Forgive someone. Help a person in need. Stop and smell the flowers or gasoline or barbeque or cheap cologne-- whatever your neighborhood smells like. Hug your grandma or grandpa. Tell your parents you love them. Let your SO and kids know how special they are. Pet a dog-- pet every dog you see. Kiss a cat. Whatever makes you feel good. Seizing the day doesn't have to mean excitement and travel, dinners out or expensive shopping. It's enjoying the little things in life that truly make life worth living.