Saturday, February 22, 2014

Book Blitz: Lost in Us by Layla Hagen - Excerpt, Q&A & Giveaway

Lost in Us

Layla Hagen

New Adult Contemporary Romance
February 17, 2014

Available at Amazon


Serena has learned to live with her past, locking her secrets and nightmares deep inside her. But when her boyfriend of six years abruptly leaves her, she’s catapulted back into pain, nursing a broken heart. When indulging in mountains of chocolate doesn’t work, Serena decides the best way to deal with her shattered heart is to indulge in something else. A rebound . . .

The night she swaps her usual Sprite for tequila, she meets James. The encounter is breathtaking.
And best not repeated.

James is a successful entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. A man who has amassed a fortune by taking risks. A man who has shunned commitment completely, and still does. He’s the exact opposite of Serena. But sometimes opposites attract. Sometimes they give in to burning passion. Sometimes opposites are perfect for each other.

James is everything her damaged soul could want. His kisses are intoxicating, his touch out of this world. He makes her forget. He grants her peace from her pain. But as they grow closer, Serena discovers she isn’t the only one with a past. James carries the scars of a past much darker than hers. One that has left him damaged, hurt, and wary of love. A past that gives him the power to shatter her.

Now James and Serena must find a way to mend one another. Or risk losing each other forever.


My heart throbs against my ribcage as I put one palm on his chest and then the other, not quite meeting his eyes, gazing at the top button of his shirt instead. His heart drums under my fingers, with a lightning-quick rhythm that matches my own. I bite my lip and close my eyes. Somehow, I think I will find the courage I seek easier, if I let the darkness behind my eyelids guide me, instead of the image of him. I take a deep breath—his intoxicating ocean and musk scent filling me. The skin on my fingers prickles, as I slide my fingers upward, touching the warm skin on his neck. Now that my eyes are closed, all my other senses are awake, ravaging me. I lean into him slowly, very slowly. I wish he'd take mercy on me and take the lead, because kissing him seems to require a different kind of courage.

I find his lips before I find the courage.

Q&A ~ Random Facts About Layla Hagen & Lost in Us

~ James was initially called Liam. . .because I had a crush on Liam Hemsworth. I got over it in the meantime (am now crushing on his brother Chris) :-D

 I love chocolate as much as Serena does. Unfortunately I can’t get away with eating as much of it as she does.

 I wrote a *certain* steamy scene on a piece of paper—on the back of which I then printed an official letter. Which I sent. Oh, the joy of being a writer J

Praise for Lost in Us

“OH MY GOODNESS. This book was excellent. There were absolutely no reasons to give this novel less than five stars. I was not expecting this. Lost in Us is a New Adult Romance and it is COLLEEN HOOVER good! Yes, I said it - you could put this book up against the leading New Adult Romance authors and it would hold its own.” J.P.Grider, author of The Honor Trilogy

“Layla blew me away with her début novel Lost in Us.  I wasn't sure what to expect when I started this book and by the end of the first chapter I was hooked. Funny, emotional and heart wrenching.” Shona Reid, reviewer at Fiona’s Book Review Blog

About the Author

My name is Layla Hagen and I am a New Adult Contemporary Romance author.

I fell in love with books when I was nine years old, and my love affair with stories continues even now, many years later.

I write romantic stories and can’t wait to share them with the world.

And I drink coffee. Lots of it, in case the photo didn’t make it obvious enough 

Author Links:

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Book Blast: First Frost & Glass Frost by Liz DeJesus

First Frost
The Frost Series Book # 1
By-Liz DeJesus
Publication Date- June 22, 2012
Published By- Musa Publishing  

Fairytales aren’t real…yeah…that’s exactly what Bianca thought. She was wrong. 

For generations, the Frost family has run the Museum of Magical and Rare Artifacts, handing down guardianship from mother to daughter, always keeping their secrets to “family only.” 

Gathered within museum’s walls is a collection dedicated to the Grimm fairy tales and to the rare items the family has acquired: Cinderella’s glass slipper, Snow White’s poisoned apple, the evil queen’s magic mirror, Sleeping Beauty’s enchanted spinning wheel… 

Seventeen-year-old Bianca Frost wants none of it, dreaming instead of a career in art or photography or…well, anything except working in the family’s museum. She knows the items in the glass display cases are fakes because, of course, magic doesn’t really exist.

She’s about to find out how wrong she is.


Link to my review for both books: Click Here

Friday, February 21, 2014

Blog Tour: Full Steam Ahead by Valerie Chase - Review & Giveaway

Full Steam Ahead

Valerie Chase

New Adult Contemporary Romance
January 14, 2014

Available at Amazon


Seven days aboard a luxury cruise.
The perfect getaway from it all.
At least, that’s what Georgia Cantwell is hoping for...

With her inbox filling with menacing emails, Georgia just wants to run away from her shattered life on her sorority's winter break cruise. What she doesn’t need is green-eyed Jace McLaren seeing through her tacked-on smile and stealing her breath away with each tantalizing kiss.

Growing up with a father in jail, Jace knows from experience that if you’re going through hell, there’s no way out but through. He has always steered away from girls like Georgia with her ice-queen attitude, but she’s in real trouble, and despite himself he pushes past her walls.

As much as Georgia tries to ignore it, Jace won’t let her pretend with him. But she can’t tell him the truth. Her past would ruin his trust, her family, her future—everything.

But out on the open ocean, there’s nowhere to hide. And when Georgia’s secrets come tumbling out, it might take more than Jace to get her through the storm.

My Review: I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Seven day cruise to paradise with a bunch of sexy frat guys. Yes, please. Seven day cruise with an ex-boyfriend who crushed your heart when he dumped you for a past mistake. No thanks. To make matters worse, she was originally supposed share a room with said ex. Forced to switch rooms, she's stuck with hot player, Jace.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for Georgia. She's from old money that's now gone. Her parents are almost bankrupt from trying to keep up appearances. They use Georgia, expect her to marry money to save them. She was raised to be a society lady, not herself. I like the girl who enjoys zombie novels and works at J.Crew to make ends meet. She's a much better person than her snobby mother could ever hope to be.

Jace is misunderstood and his frat brothers love to make up incredible stories about his sexual prowess. But he's easygoing and just accepts it. He's a bit surprised though when Georgia seems to despise him. Jace sees the hurting girl beneath her facade and vows to break down the barriers she's erected around her. Georgia doesn't stand a chance since she's rooming with him. I loved Jace. He's had a hard life. His father was a drunk who was also abusive and is now in jail. Jace is a family man who visits his mother and sister, and works hard in his pursuit of a better life.

Full Steam Ahead is an enjoyable read. It's fast-paced with fun characters and lots of romance. I love books set on cruise ships—the perfect place for a steamy romance. In fact this novel would make a good summer or vacation read. It definitely made me want a romantic cruise vacation.

About the Author

Valerie Chase is a author of New Adult Romance. She currently lives in the Washington, DC area. Full Steam Ahead is her debut novel.
As for her writing style, Valerie loves sexy banter and guys whose hearts are in the right place, even if their heads sometimes aren't. She loves discovering strong, awesome characters, putting them in entertaining situations, and watching them argue their way to love.


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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cover Reveal: Honor Among Orcs by Amalia Dillin - Excerpt & Giveaway

Honor Among Orcs
by Amalia Dillin 

Designed by: Melissa Stevens (Website)
Publication Date: April 1, 2014
Series: Orc Saga, Book One
Genre: Fantasy (18+)

After nearly a decade as the king’s whipping-girl, Princess Arianna has no intention of going quietly into marriage to some treasonous noble, or serving obediently as the king’s spy until her death is more convenient. When she discovers a handsome orc, chained and trapped inside a magic mirror, Arianna cannot help but see a lasting freedom from her father's abuse.

Left to rot inside a mirror by the king, Bolthorn never imagined his prayers would be answered by a princess. Nor did he ever expect to meet so worthy a woman after knowing her father’s cruelty. He needs her help to escape the mirror before the king marches against the orcs, but all he can offer Arianna is ice and darkness in exchange for her aid.

If Arianna can free the monster behind the glass, perhaps she might free herself, as well. But once they cross the mountain, there will be no return, and the deadly winter is the least of what threatens them on the other side. Romance blossoms in this gripping fantasy adventure.


He knew these woods, sparse as they had become, and when they broke, he knew the tundra of the foothills too. Just before dawn, he found the outcrop beneath which he had made a shelter his first night beyond the mountains, and though he did not dare to light a fire, the sedge made a soft bed.

After a meal of apples and cheese, the last of their food, Arianna curled against his side, sharing the fur, and rested her head on his shoulder. He tested her forehead for fever and breathed his relief when she did not burn against his palm.

She tugged his hand away, a small smile curving her lips. “You worry overmuch. There are still two days of warmth before I must fight your cruel winds. I will be well enough for your mountains by then.”

His fingers lingered against her skin and her smile faded. He traced the clan-markings on her cheek and her lips parted, her heart thrumming in his ears.

“Bolthorn –”

Up the bridge of her nose and over her eyebrow, the umber flaked from her skin, coloring his fingertip. Down along the line of her jaw, to the pulse point beneath. Her breathing hitched. He only wished the marks had reached her collarbone, to give him some excuse to trail his fingers across the smooth skin there.

“You make a beautiful orc.”

“Not a Vala?” she asked, her eyelashes sweeping across her cheek.

“The Vala cannot marry.” The sunlight caught in her hair, flashing reds within the rich brown and he smoothed the soft, wild strands from her face. “They cannot bear children, or know the touch of any kind of man after they have made their vows. They know only the ancestors and the mysteries they reveal.”

“Oh,” she breathed.

Oh. It was the first thing she had ever said to him, trembling against the stone. She trembled now, too. As she should, he thought, knowing herself within the arms of an orc. He closed his eyes and drew his hand back. This was a dangerous game to play with her so near, so vulnerable.

“Sleep well, princess,” he said, his jaw tight against his need. “You’ll want your strength.”

She made a noise in the back of her throat, but when he glanced at her, she had turned away.

About the Author

Amalia Dillin began as a Biology major before taking Latin and falling in love with old heroes and older gods. After that, she couldn't stop writing about them, with the occasional break for more contemporary subjects. She lives in upstate New York with her husband, and dreams of the day when she will own goats--to pull her chariot through the sky, of course. 

Amalia is the author of the Fate of the Gods trilogy from World Weaver Press, and the soon to be released Orc Saga, coming April 1, 2014. You can learn more about her work at

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Book Highlight: Growing Pains by K.F. Breene - Sale & Giveaway

Title: Growing Pains (series)
Author: K.F. Breene
Genre: New Adult contemporary romance

On the tail-end of her ex-boyfriend crashing through a restraining order and putting her in the hospital, Krista realizes that the only way to effectively escape her past is to put distance between it. She gets her life back on track in San Francisco with a job that has limitless potential.

Unfortunately, to achieve her dreams, she must brave the star of the company; a charming and handsome salesman that isn’t used to the word no. Krista tries to run from him at every turn, but his pull continually sucks her back in; her hesitancy to trust the only thing saving her from being another notch on a bedpost.

Sean never has to try with women. He's the type of guy to jump in with both feet, get bored, and sprint right back out. But when a geeky new hire stumbles through the company, befuddling him with a keen intellect he doesn’t expect, he starts to lose his way. Before he knows it, all his efforts are concentrated around trying to capture the interest of the only woman to run when he tries to deliver a line. As she opens up, so does he, landing him in a terrain as disconcerting as it is invigorating.

The growing pains box set is currently on sale for 99 cents on Amazon, for a limited time! That's three books for under a buck! 

A wine country native, K.F. Breene moved to San Francisco for college just shy of a decade ago to pursue a lifelong interest in film. As she settled into the vibrant city, it quickly became apparent that, while she thought making and editing films was great fun, she lacked cinematic genius. For that reason, her career path quickly changed direction. Her next goal was a strange childhood interest, conjured at the dining room table while filling out a form. For some reason, her young self wanted to be an accountant. Thinking on it now, she often wonders how she had any friends. Regardless, it was the direction she finally took.

While she could wrangle numbers with the best of 'em, and even though she wore the crown as the most outspoken, belligerent accountant in the world, her mind got as stuffy as her daily routine. It was here that she dusted off her creative hat and began writing. Now she makes movies in her head, not worried about lighting, shutter speed or editing equipment. Turns out, a computer is much easier to manage than a crowd of actors. She should know, she was an actor at one time.

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Blog Tour: Unusual Awakening by S.M. Knowles - Excerpt

Unusual Awakening
Rylee Everley Series Book 1

S.M. Knowles

YA Mystery/Coming-of-Age
Trailer: Click Here

Available at Amazon


With tears and a tight hug, Rylee Everley’s dad left for Afghanistan with the Army Reserve. Since his deployment, her mom has been distant, her sisters are constantly fighting, and Rylee, at only thirteen years old, has to be the glue to keep them together. While her mother stays locked in her room, Rylee has been forced into the role of parent.

Now, two years later, a freak accident involving a bus at school promises to restore some normality to her family. In spite of not knowing how their father is, her mother is happy and her sisters don’t seem to fight as much as they used to. Rylee herself is seeing more of her friends and is even trying to sort out her own feelings about Brock Parker. However, something dark threatens to disrupt that normality for personal gain, and that darkness is willing to break every rule to get what it wants.


Getting up, I walk over to the tree line. I don’t see anything around, so I grab a rock and throw it to scare off any animals. Walking in further, I call out, “Hello?” Everything is quiet. I wait a few more seconds. Something feels off. Walking in a little further, I hear a branch break. I know I didn’t step on anything, so something’s unquestionably out there. “Who’s out here?” I yell. A big oak tree stands directly in front of me, right next to him. “No, no, no, no,” I beg.

Awakening Dream, book 2 now available

About the Author
S.M. Knowles was born in Elmira, New York where she was swept away in a whirlwind to the Land of Oz—Independence, Kansas. Her parents were relocating for working opportunities and decided that this would be the perfect place to start new roots. Little did she know that this place would contribute to the inspiration for the first book she wrote in her Rylee Everley Series.
While growing up, S.M. would travel the roads around her house while imagining she was somewhere else. Her imagination would take her everywhere, making the long hot summer days seem shorter throughout her fantasies.

At the age of twelve, she decided to write her first book. Filled mostly with dialog, she filled up one-hundred pages, front and back. After taking the book downstairs to show her mom, and persuading her to buy her more paper, she excitedly ran back to her room. As she barreled through the door, S.M. tripped over items left on her floor, and her papers came raining down in her room. Discouraged, she stood there in tears, picking up her papers and throwing them in the trash. Her work had no organization, no numbers on her pages, just a child fulfilling a joy that she would put down and not pick up again.

When she became older, she joined the military for something different. In that time, she was able to explore many places and even met her husband in Iraq. After coming home, she started her family in Arizona and went back to school, earning a Master’s degree in Adult Education and Training.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Book Blitz: RecruitZ by Karice Bolton - Excerpt, Guest Post & Giveaway

Afterworld #1

Karice Bolton

New Adult Post-Apocalyptic

Available at Amazon * B&N * Kobo

Scientists are the new rock stars. The infection has been contained for nearly three months, and the world is celebrating. But humans are still dying. Rebekah Taylor has seen it firsthand. Her husband was killed right in front of her by the very creatures that humans were told they no longer had to fear.

Rebekah is determined to find out who is responsible for the death of her husband and the obvious cover-up. Fueled with revenge, she begins to find answers that lead to one frightening conclusion. The apocalypse might be over, but the battles are just beginning.


“We can’t run. They’d totally get us before we got away,” I said, hoping he’d correct me, tell me that we had a chance.
He didn’t.
He slammed his fist into the steering wheel and looked over at me. When the outbreak happened, we never looked back. We were always on the move, running from the disease that took our families and friends. That was the key to survival. Never stay in one place. Always stay on the move. Now we had nowhere to move. I glanced over at Gavin and saw the fear in his eyes. Even with everything we’d encountered, his eyes had never held this amount of terror.
“Babe, whatever happens…”
“Knock it off,” I said.
“We have nothing to fight them with, and a horde this size needs a distraction.”
“Don’t you dare,” I hissed, shaking my head. The fear was pulsing through me at an unstoppable rate. “We didn’t live through the outbreak to die now.”
I gritted my teeth, grabbed the civilian anti-zombie kit from under my seat, unzipped it, and looked for anything inside that might help. We were instructed to drop these kits off at government collection stations. I was grateful we never got around to it.
Gavin held down the ignition and reverse buttons at the same time in a vain attempt to override the safety sensors.
“Damn it,” he muttered.
“Try rebooting the car. Turn it off and take the key out. Give it a few seconds and slip the key back in. Maybe if you pop it in reverse before the car can sense the zombies, it’ll let us reverse,” I directed.
He nodded, biting his lip, and turned off the engine allowing the moans of the horde outside to be heard. I took a deep breath and looked out my window that was now completely blocked by tattered shirts and non-oozing wounds pressed against the glass. It would only be a matter of time before they began to break through the glass. The moans turned into a chorus of humming.
“One-Mississippi-two…” Gavin’s words wrapped around me.
I prayed silently to the same God I’d prayed to many nights before. He listened then and I hoped he’d listen now.
I grabbed two knives that were in the kit and flipped the blades open, locking them in place. The anodized orange handles were larger than the actual blades. Not comforting. I handed one to Gavin.
“There’s still a Louisville Slugger on the floor behind us,” Gavin said. His brown hair was cut short. That was one of the first things he did after we were vaccinated. A haircut and a shave to celebrate our survival. He still looked young but not as young as we both did before the outbreak.
I slid toward the center console, crawling as far from the passenger window as I could get. Gavin’s breathing was heavy, and I felt the heat rolling off him as he continued to struggle with what we were facing.
I dug around in the bottom of the bag for the zombie deterrent. My hand clasped around the ADD, also known as the Audible Distraction Device, and I dropped the kit to the floor.
The car rocked back and forth as the number of beasts grew on both sides, creating a trance-like rhythm that was terrifying.
“Grab the bat,” Gavin instructed, his voice low.

Guest Post by Karice Bolton

Thank you so much for allowing me to stop by to talk about Zombie movies and my latest book, RecruitZ!

I think zombies are so much fun to watch on the big (and little) screen, and something that I really enjoy is humor paired with the creatures that are threatening to rip us to shreds! So on that note, my list of favorite zombie movies starts off with a few of the funny ones first! But I also love the more serious take on zombies, and the scared out of our mind type of outbreak that keeps us on the run! I guess I’m just a zombie movie addict! So here’s my list of favorite zombie flicks…

Shaun of the Dead
World War Z
Resident Evil
Warm Bodies
Night of the Living Dead

Okay, so now that you’ve heard what some of my favorite zombie movies are, I wanted to touch on my first zombie book that I’ve written—except that it’s not! I actually never thought I’d write a zombie book, but almost two years ago an idea popped into my head that I just had to work with.

I’d like to think that we would come up with a vaccine and slay the zombies before we all perished if a real life outbreak were to occur… (I’m generally a glass is half-full kind of girl) So that is where RecruitZ begins—after the outbreak. Only things aren’t as they appear and lives are still being taken. I get to delve into the world of conspiracies, criminal threats, and all sorts of fun things in the Afterworld Series, and I’ve loved every minute of it. Hope you can check out the first in the series, RecruitZ and thanks again for having me.

About the Author

Karice Bolton lives in the Pacific Northwest and is a writer of Young Adult and New Adult books. She loves to read anything and everything. She also enjoys baking, skiing, and spending time with her wonderful husband and two English bulldogs.

Books currently available:
*Beyond Love Series: Beyond Control (Book 1) Beyond Doubt (Book 2) Beyond Reason (Book 3) – Feb. 28th
*Afterworld Series: RecruitZ (Book 1)
*The Witch Avenue Series: Lonely Souls (Book 1), Altered Souls (Book 2), Released Souls (Book 3) Shattered Souls (Book 4)
*The Watchers Trilogy: Awakening (Book 1), Legions (Book 2), Cataclysm (Book 3), Taken Novella (Watchers Prequel)
*The Camp

Karice would love if you stopped by her blog or FB page to find out the latest news on giveaways and upcoming releases, or you can just send her an email. She loves hearing from her readers and responds as soon as she can.

Author Links:

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Cover Reveal: The Hurricane by Madison Louise - Excerpt & Giveaway

The Hurricane
A Storm Saga Novel Book 2

Madison Louise

YA Paranormal
Expected Release: March 2014


Ever since the storm that changed Millicent, and her brother’s lives, giving them storm powers, Millicent had never been truly happy, but with Felix back, and all of them together, things were just like they used to be before the storm—minus the 17th century—it was time to try school again, but together this time, and without everything that almost separated them again. But just as everything was falling back into a normal steady pace, things start to fall apart again. A new enemy, Tyler, doesn’t want them to be around, he wants them dead, wants to finish what his cousins failed to do months before.

Millicent tells the others to start training, getting ready for the fight that is sure to come, but things fall apart farther and farther, until Millicent is just holding onto a thread, and that thread is Felix. But only for a time. Because sometimes, even love has its limits. Even though that love had time to grow and strengthen.

With the new threat looming over their heads, the family scattered, Millicent isn’t sure how this will end happily, for her, for Felix, for her family. Especially with something comes into Felix and Millicent’s life, and changes it forever.

Will they all be able to come together again, and face the threat? Or will they bend to those who wish to destroy them?


I turned and looked around, I spotted a park bench, and then I saw someone with dark brown hair sitting on it. “Michael!” I cried, I ran towards the bench, and Michael turned around. I stopped in front of the bench, and Michael looked away. I sat down next to him, slowly. “You ok?”

Michael put his head in his hands. “Everyone keeps asking that. But no, I’m not ok. I wish people would stop asking me that.”

“But we just care about you—”

Michael’s head shot up, and the wind blew a little stronger than it had been. “I’ve heard that too. From some of my friends, but then…they just decided that they didn’t care anymore.” He stood up, and I watched him sadly. I saw Matthew get out of the car and walk towards us.

“Things are just hard right now, alright? Everything will go back to normal here soon—” I tried.

Michael laughed, and put his hands in his pockets. “No, Millicent, they’re not going to back to normal. Ever since we found Felix—”

“Don’t blame this on him.” I said sternly.

“You thought the same thing though!” he turned to look at me. “While I was lying on a cold floor, dying. But now that everything is just great, you don’t even spend time with me or even Matthew anymore. Even your cat, it’s all about Felix now, isn’t?”

I felt like I just got all the air sucked out of my lungs. I swallowed, I felt the lightning crawl into my hands. That hurt as much as it made me angry. “We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend, I’m his wife. I’m supposed to spend time with him. If this was back then, I wouldn’t even be living with you guys. I would most likely only see you once a month or even that.” 

“But this isn’t ‘back then’ is it, Millicent? It’s the twenty first century, where most couples live with their families until they can get back on their feet. And if you’re so keen on the idea of leaving me and Matthew, go ahead, go off and live with Felix.” He started to walk away, but Matthew came out of nowhere, and grabbed him by the arm, that’s when the rain started to fall. I took in a deep breath, trying to keep the lightning inside. The wind picked up. 

“You apologize right now.” Matthew his voice was even, but I heard it crack a little.

Michael yanked his arm away. “No, Matthew. I’m done with this. I was done with this a long time ago, but I didn’t want to go anywhere because I thought ‘oh hey, they still want me’ but I have a feeling that you guys don’t want me anymore. Am I right?”

“That’s not true.” I said quietly, my tears mingled with the rain.

“But it is.” Michael snapped, he turned back to Matthew, who was trying to keep himself together. “I’m done with this, I’m done with this family. You guys can go back to the ‘love of your lives’ and I’ll go find something to do with my miserable and immortal life.” He turned on his heel and started to walk to his car. I let out a sob, and Matthew just watched him walk away.

My feet got a mind of their own. I took off after my brother. “Michael!” I sobbed, I caught up with him, but he didn’t stop walking. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and started to sob. “Don’t leave.” I sobbed into his shirt.

He stilled, but he didn’t put his arms around me like he would do if Michael wasn’t leaving me. 

“Don’t leave me.” I sobbed. “Please don’t.”

Michael pried my arms off around him, “Goodbye, Millicent.” He said quietly. He turned around and jogged the rest of the way to his car, he got in, started it, and drove away. I fell onto my knees, and sobbed.

He was gone.

About the Author

Madison Louise decided at a young age that she wanted to write. Since she was nine she has written many books. Now Madison is a teen pursuing her dream of becoming best seller author. She spends her time writing, reading and drawing, the occasional Just Dance when she has the time. Madison lives in Ohio, with her parents, her sister, and all their pets.

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