Thursday, March 27, 2014

Cover Reveal: Echoes of Memories by Samantha LaFantasie - Giveaway

Echoes of Memories
Samantha LaFantasie
Coming July 2014!

About the Author

A Kansas native, Samantha LaFantasie spends her free time with her husband and three kids. Writing has always been a passion of hers, forgoing all other desires to devote to this one obsession, even though she often finds herself arguing with her characters through much of the process. She’s primarily a fantasy writer but often feels pulled to genres such as sci-fi, romance, and others.
Among her writing credentials, a member of the Kansas Writer’s Association and has authored works such as Heart Song (her debut novel) and Made to Forget.
Samantha loves to take time to enjoy other activities such as photography and playing her favorite game of all time, Guild Wars 2.

Want more from Samantha? Keep up with her at any of her digital hangouts.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for posting such a great article. Keep it up mate.


  2. Thanks for this amazing blog. This new cover of Samantha LaFantasie is very unique and beautiful. I will share with my friends. Now it's time to avail 1 litre water bottle for more information.

  3. To participate in this fantastic giveaway and have a chance to win a copy of 'Echoes of Memories, With the official website: business management dissertation help. Don't miss out on the opportunity to immerse yourself in this enthralling tale.

  4. I am thrilled to share that Samantha LaFantasie's upcoming book, "Echoes of Memories," has reached its cover reveal stage. It's always fascinating to see the cover of a new book, as it offers a glimpse into the author's vision and evokes anticipation for the story within.

  5. The story follows the protagonist, Lileah, a young woman with the unique ability to absorb memories from the objects she touches. This gift, however, comes at a cost, as it exposes her to a dangerous world and unexpected enemies.

  6. Excitement buzzes as Samantha LaFantasie unveils "Echoes of Memories," igniting anticipation among readers. This captivating cover reveal promises a journey through rich storytelling and vivid imagination. Coupled with the thrill of a giveaway, fans eagerly await their chance to delve into this literary adventure. LaFantasie's mastery in weaving tales ensures a spellbinding experience, leaving readers yearning for more. With anticipation at its peak, "Echoes of Memories" emerges as a must-read, offering an escape into realms of fantasy and wonder.

  7. LaFantasie may use vivid storytelling to evoke emotions and bring memories to life on the pages. "Echoes of Memories" could be a captivating read that leaves a lasting impression on those who delve into its pages.


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