Saturday, March 29, 2014

Blog Tour: The Pendulum Files by P.M. Terrell - Excerpt & Giveaway

The Pendulum Files
Black Swamp Mysteries #5

P.M. Terrell

Romantic Suspense
February 25, 2014
Drake Valley Press

Amazon * B&N * Smashwords

CIA operative Dylan Maguire joins forces with psychic spy Vicki Boyd to find out who is bombing merchant vessels bound for the United States from China. Their mission will lead them to Black Sites, the high seas and into covert operations. And when an assassin escapes from prison determined to finish the job he started, they find their personal lives and their missions are about to collide in ways they never could have imagined.


Brenda jerked the door open as the shot rang out. She felt something sharp and hot against her shin as she kicked herself away from the car. She tumbled onto the pavement before hitting the shoulder, the gravel feeling like a million razors slicing through her flesh. She heard her own voice as if it was disembodied, screaming as she forced herself to roll across the sharp gravel before plummeting down the incline, compelling herself to continue rolling even as she realized she’d been shot in the leg.

She heard the car’s brakes slamming, the tires squealing as the man struggled to bring the car to a stop. At seventy miles an hour, it should have taken the car further from her even as she rushed to escape. But when she came to her feet and looked back at the road, she estimated he was about three hundred feet further down the road—not far enough.

She ran toward the tree line, which now appeared too far away. As a second shot rang out, she knew his sights were set on her back, and she struggled to run straight, fighting the impulse to run opposite of him. It kept her profile smaller but when he shot a third and then fourth time, she could almost feel the bullets whizzing past her.

The third and fourth shots sounded increasingly louder and she knew he was running after her. Her breath was loud and labored, her blood pounding in her temples. Even as she drew closer to the shadows of the trees, she could feel herself slowing down. The adrenaline that propelled her down the slope and to her feet was fighting against the pain in her leg.

She could feel the blood oozing down her shin and pooling in her shoe, causing her to slip and slide along grass already slick with dew. Another shot rang out, whizzing so close to her hair that she thought it had passed through it.

She threw herself into the shadows, pushing herself beyond her leg’s endurance to keep going, to get into the pine forest, weaving and bobbing forward and eastward, away from the car, away from the interstate. Hopefully, away from him.

She wanted to stop; she wanted to pull some article of clothing off herself and wrap it around her shin to keep the blood in, to keep the flesh together, but she didn’t dare hesitate. She heard the branches cracking behind her; he was there and he was closing on her. Even as she propelled herself forward, she knew all he had to do was follow the movement of the branches ahead of him to know exactly where she was.

About the Author

p.m.terrell is the internationally acclaimed, award-winning author of more than 18 books, including Vicki's Key, a 2012 International Book Awards and 2012 USA Best Book Awards finalist and River Passage, winner of the 2010 Best Drama Award. A full-time writer since 2002, p.m. previously founded and operated two computer companies with a specialty in computer crime and computer intelligence. Her clients included the CIA, United States Secret Service and the Department of Defense as well as local law enforcement agencies. Her expertise in computers and intelligence often finds its way into her books. She is also the co-founder of The Book 'Em Foundation and founder and chair of The Book 'Em North Carolina Writers Conference and Book Fair, which raises money to increase literacy rates. As a hobby, she raises freshwater angelfish - the same thing her characters do as their front for the CIA. For more information about p.m.terrell, visit and for more information on the upcoming Writers Conference, visit


Tour-Wide Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This book sounds wonderful. I love thrills and this sounds action packed. I look forward to reading it.

  2. Thank you for hosting me here today! And Michelle, thanks for leaving a comment. It is definitely an action-packed book. Best of luck on winning that beautiful Celtic necklace.

  3. Sounds like a great thriller! Thank you for the giveaway :)

  4. Thanks for dropping by, Courtney! Best of luck winning that beautiful necklace!

  5. This really looks like a good read!! I love romantic suspense themes. Thanks for your giveaway!! The butterfly necklace is really nice.

    1. I love the butterfly necklace! Jewelry and romantic suspense... who could ask for anything more??

  6. Sounds like a really good book. I will have to check out your books! Thanks for the info!

  7. KIMBER--one handed typing here, Just wanted to let you know you were the winner of a print book of Terry Spear, Silence of the Wolf. She announced it on the blog today.

    THANK YOU for the blitz day wishes. Blitz totally took me by surprise. yah, I got teary-eyed.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

    1. Oh, wow! That's awesome. Here's to comment karma!

  8. Your book sounds really good, and what a beautiful necklace. I have a necklace, it's just the celtic knot, I love it because of the meaning behind it, I love the twist with the knots being weaved into the butterfly wings. Beautiful piece

    1. I do love Celtic designs. Not only are they pretty, but they're meaningful as well/

  9. Brenda pushed through the pain, each shot feeling closer, her heart racing as she fought to reach the tree line. The slick grass beneath her feet made every step treacherous, but the fear of another bullet drove her forward. She could feel the man gaining, his pursuit relentless, as her body struggled to keep going.


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Thanks for stopping by! Your comments make my day. Really!!